MindLeaps Tracker
Data Analytics Tool for Social Change
Intuitive to Use with Sophisticated Impact
Offline Data-Collection: Inconsistent Internet Access? No problem. Tracker has you covered.
Analytics in Real Time: Why wait to identify a challenge? No problem. Tracker delivers visualizations at a click.
Impact Reports to Stakeholders: Trying to measure results? No problem. Tracker improves funder confidence.
At MindLeaps, Tracker enables us to collect social-emotional learning data unobtrusively on every student, every class session, on each of 7 life skills
Why MindLeaps Tracker?
Do you need a learning-outcomes tool with a simple interface producing sophisticated, impactful data?
Do you want to motivate your staff by helping them understand the impact of their important work in real-time? What key learning outcomes do you envision for your beneficiaries? How can you be confident they are really “getting it”? How long to you want to wait to know “how things are going”?
Ease of use in Various Working Environments
Available everywhere
- Data entry on tablets or smart phones, with or without internet connection. Tracker works on old devices as well as new. No need for brand new iPads.
Data Syncing
- Once internet connection is available data is synced to the cloud. It is then available for analysis on the Tracker Analytics platform.
Authentication with Google
- Login to the Tracker system with your Google account to view and analyze results.
Real-Time Data Analytics
Insightful Visualizations
- Grades are visualized in the web interface, generating graphs and learning curves to show individual and group progress
Data Backup
- Data backed up automatically multiple times a day.
I want to use Tracker at my organization. What happens next?
Contact Tracker via MindLeaps: info@mindleaps.org
Set-up your key questions and the rubric working with your staff and the Tracker research and data team.
Train your staff to use the rubric.
“MindLeaps brought together researchers, educators, and dancers to develop their rubric. At MindLeaps, the key question was: What is it that has to be measured in the dance/movement class to show that the children are ready to succeed in school? ”
“Tracker can be used to track any learning outcomes. It can be used to assess a softball team, a math competition, you name it.”